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Der innovative und luxuriöse The Foundation Brush macht das Auftragen der Skincolor de la Mer Foundation kinderleicht. Die abgeschrägten Pinselhaare wurden speziell für präzises Auftragen entlang der Gesichtskonturen entwickelt. Schwungvolle Pinselstriche für ein leichtes Tagesmakeup oder tupfende Bewegungen für eine stärkere Deckkraft - der pure Luxus!
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Fasern: Synthetische Borsten
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23 Bewertungen
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23 Bewertungen
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Best on the market!
I don't know why, I can't explain it....this brush applies foundation perfectly. Doesn't matter what foundation you use, it will go on seamlessly, it will be flawless and your skin will look beautiful. How this brush manages to apply foundation so well...I don't know. It just does. Every person who has purchased this brush after my raving about it came back to tell me that yes, yes it DOES do that. Liquid, stick, compact...doesn't matter as this brush works with all types of foundation. Worth the price!!
Dieses Produkt weiterempfehlen: Ja
Ursprünglich erschienen auf sephora.com
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Hard pass
It is a hard brush.. Nope! Feels like assault on the face each time you try to stamp and swipe or buff foundation. Nothing works!
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Love everything La Mer
This brush is so soft! I used it with La Mer powder but can’t wait to use it on with La Mer liquid foundation
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Ursprünglich erschienen auf sephora.com
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If you have the money, buy it!
I didn’t think brushes mattered…this much…. I thought the price was way too much. It was a luxury gift for myself. I see now why professionals have a more flawless finish…this brush is magic. I’ll definitely rebuy whenever that is necessary.
Dieses Produkt weiterempfehlen: Ja
Ursprünglich erschienen auf sephora.com
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I didn’t care for it. I use more foundation with this brush. It’s a bit scratchy. I prefer a brush that buffs.
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My favorite makeup brush. This speeds up foundation time & makes your skin look flawless.
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Ursprünglich erschienen auf sephora.com
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Worth the price!
I have tried several foundation brushes and this is by far the best! I'm using much less product because it applies so evenly with this brush. Well worth the price.
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Geschlecht: Frau
Alter: 45 bis 54
Mein bester Brush
Habe denn Kauf nicht bereut, ist wirklich der beste Foundation Brush.Foundation läßt sich super damit auftragen. Der Brush ist wirklich sehr gut verarbeitet.
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love La Mer
I love all LA Mer products and I do believe that the more you wear their products that you see a change in your skin.. getting off topic.. I've been wanting to try this brush for years now but read mixed reviews on because a beauty blender works wonders instead of using this brush I then bought a brush from Target; Sonia Kashuk taper brush similar to this one but that one is more dense and it is no where nearly as soft as this one.. you can tell a big difference between this one. .. the bristles is so beautiful and soft to the touch.. it is pricey but it is worth it.. it applies the la Mer foundation beautifully.. if you need fuller coverage; you simply just tap not swipe.. it's really pretty.. I also bought the powder brush as well and both are well worth it.. I absolutely love all of my La Mer products!! it's all I used! I no longer use any thing else..
Dieses Produkt weiterempfehlen: Ja
Ursprünglich erschienen auf sephora.com
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10 STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do believe that this must be made of fairy dust. The way it lays down my foundation is magical. I have never in my life come across anything like it and I am a brush snob. I highly recommend this one as it is worth every penny.
Dieses Produkt weiterempfehlen: Ja
Ursprünglich erschienen auf sephora.com
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This brush works wonderfully with La Mer's foundation, and I find it perfect for light application and stippling. It cleans easily, and I love how incredibly soft the synthetic bristles feel on my face. It doesn't pick up excess amounts of product, and it does a great job of application. I can't live without it. This brush is so amazing that my Beauty Blender has become rather upset and feels betrayed. Oh well.
Dieses Produkt weiterempfehlen: Ja
Ursprünglich erschienen auf sephora.com
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def better brushes out there
I expected this to work like a dream. However it will streak the foundation if not blended a lot. (Followed by using a beauty blender)Watched the lamer video bc I thought I was doing something wrong, even when using with lamer foundation it still is under whelming. (lamer foundation is my fav and looks amazing always except when I used this brush)..I find it most useful to blend concealer into the foundation bc of its tapered end. It’s very dense and soft, slightly weighted. For the price I was not happy, I have used brushes 1/3 of the price that worked better. Considered returning it but since I can blend concealer with it I’ll keep it.
Ursprünglich erschienen auf sephora.com
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it’s a win or lose
Now, for me I’ve never used a brush to apply my foundation. I love the look of beauty blenders! The bristles are extremely soft, and I’m sure if you love the way brushes look on your skin than this is for you! It was a 4 star for me because even though the brush is great quality I feel like it soaked up more product than a beauty blender does!
Dieses Produkt weiterempfehlen: Ja
Ursprünglich erschienen auf sephora.com
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Die Geschichte von La Mer begann, als sich Dr. Max Huber bei einem fehlgeschlagenen Experiment schwere Verbrennungen zuzog und er daraufhin beschloss, sein Schicksal selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. Der Raumfahrt-Physiker, Sterndeuter und Träumer hoffte, die regenerierenden Kräfte des Meeres entfesseln zu können. 6000 Experimente und 12 Jahre langes Suchen führten ihn zu der Entdeckung seines Lebens – ein Biofermentationsprozess, der Seetang und weitere natürliche Zutaten in die wertvolle Miracle Broth™ transformiert. Dieses zellerneuernde Elixir im Herzen der Crème de la Mer konnte endlich das Aussehen seiner Haut verändern.

la mer
The Foundation Brush
Better luxury options out there!
It's ok but when you factor in the price, I think there are many many better options in the 'luxury' category. This brush is made in china and not very soft. I only occasionally reach for it, and that is mainly to justify the high price I paid.
Ursprünglich erschienen auf sephora.com