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Mit dem Nagelpolierblock Buffer Neon lassen sich Nägel mühelos feilen, polieren und glätten. Für natürlich glänzende und besonders gepflegte Nägel. Mit abnehmbaren Pads für jede Seite.
• Der Nagelpolierblock Buffer verfügt über verschiedene Seiten zum Feilen, Polieren und Glätten der Nägel
• Die Pads lassen sich auf jeder Seite ablösen und mühelos ersetzen
• Für eine besonders komfortable Anwendung sind die Seiten farblich gekennzeichnet und beschriftet
• Verleiht Nägeln einen extra Glanz
• Inklusive Ersatzpads - Anwendung
- Formulierung
- Inhaltsstoffe
- Beschreibung
- Anwendung
- Formulierung
- Inhaltsstoffe
• Der Nagelpolierblock Buffer verfügt über verschiedene Seiten zum Feilen, Polieren und Glätten der Nägel
• Die Pads lassen sich auf jeder Seite ablösen und mühelos ersetzen
• Für eine besonders komfortable Anwendung sind die Seiten farblich gekennzeichnet und beschriftet
• Verleiht Nägeln einen extra Glanz
• Inklusive Ersatzpads
• Die pinke Seite eignet sich zum Feilen und Formen der Nägel.
• Die orange Seite ist ideal zum Polieren der Nägel.
• Mit der grünen Seite werden die Nägel geglättet.
• Mit der gelben Seite wird den Nägeln extra Glanz verliehen.
• Ziehe die Pads nach Bedarf ab und ersetze sie.
Eva foam
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37 Bewertungen
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37 Bewertungen
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Tossed within a year
I love the idea but I went to switch the nail file sides and they all stuck and ripped. I had to throw the whole block out.
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com
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Rachel L.
Great Polishing Block
This block is great! Each side does just what is supposed to. I love that there are replacement pads.
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com
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Jayma N.
Kit is colorful and small
Kit is colorful and small enough to carry in y purse. Replacement file surfaces available.
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com
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Marilyn M.
An excellent product. I hate
An excellent product. I hate all files. But the Buff and smooth work well for me.
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com
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4 Way Block
Easy to use and does a terrific job.
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Glenda V.
G Vano
I have been using the shine block for years. I can have the nail salon look without leaving home. I do a lot of outside work and my nails take a beating. With this block I can smooth away any damage that may occur going from buff to shine in just a few minutes. I love that the block comes with replacement pads. The block is big enough that even arthritic hands can grip it.
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com
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James K.
A Great Nail Care Tool
I love my Tweezerman nail block! It’s my handy go-to file and buffer tool, and I keep one in a couple of areas so they are readily at hand. It is easy to use and to replace worn out pads, but my only complaint is that I have yet to find somewhere to buy just the replacement pads (always run out of the most-used #1 file pads, yet have plenty of the buff and shine pads left), without buying an entirely new block. A great tool!
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com
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Teri F.
Blocks are great to use for a quick shape and shine
Really like using these buffer blocks for a quick shape and shine. Great that you can remove and replace all sides!
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Barbara H.
Love how nice my nails
Love how nice my nails stay shinning. 😍
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com
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Maria S.
Very good, I love it.
Very good, I love it.
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com
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Connie M.
Shine block
Love,love, love, the shine block! Nails look flawless w/o nail polish!
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com
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Susan F.
The best nail block.
The best Neon Buff & Shine Block I've ever bought.
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com
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Jessica E.
Love this product!
This nail block has been a staple in my beauty routine. The replacement pads are amazing and it has long term quality.
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com
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Beauty Tool Expertise aus New York!
Ob Wow Brows, ein verführerischer Augenaufschlag, strahlender Teint oder gepflegte Nägel: Unsere präzisen Premiumprodukte von TWEEZERMAN ermöglichen einen professionellen und einzigartigen Look. Sowohl zu Hause als auch unterwegs sind die vielseitigen Beauty Tools aus New York für jeden einfach und unkompliziert anwendbar. Seit über 40 Jahren arbeiten internationale Beauty Experten mit unseren hochwertigen und mehrfach ausgezeichneten Beauty Tools.

Nagelpolierblock Buffer
#240?! Maybe for gels or acrylics!
Side one, for filing, is a “#240 grit” per your CS. And I’m not sure I believe that, because while it is a rather rough grit, this surface is rougher. The only nails that need that low of a number are artificial ones. Somehow I doubt that people who are looking for a buffing block that makes clear polish unnecessary are wearing acrylic or gel nails. This products seems to me, to be for those with natural nails who want to be able to do their nails at home, using high quality tools. And want to be able to achieve a lovely shine. Not to tear at their nails or rough them up for application purposes. (Unless this is for people with very, very thick, hard and rough nails. In that case, my apologies.) I use a #320 grit file on my toenails if that helps anyone. The higher the number the finer the “grit.” Hence the shine side being a #4000, I believe? Ex. My go to for fingernail filing and shaping is a dual sided “Fine 400/600”! I’ve written this review before but for some reason it doesn’t appear on the site. So I shall try to recreate my original reaction. I was so excited to find and purchase this product! After years of spending more on an OPI block (two color coded, high # grits repeated on the block) and feeling bad about the fact that I was generating so much waste, this seemed like a Godsend! The product I’d been using had no replacement pads and didn’t last very long. So I was throwing a block away every few months, depending on how often I was doing on my nails. I saw this and immediately bought one for me and one for my mom. Yes, it came in a plastic “clamshell” package but I know that these are sold in stores and unfortunately, are the kind of thing prone to being shoplifted/stolen. So a necessary evil of sorts. And I believed I’d never need to buy another so I was okay with the one time packaging. Not to mention what a great deal! A block AND replacement pads for all four sides?! It seemed too good to be true, as if I was the only person who had sought out the brand’s website instead of buying their products from another vendor. But, after I received them I was taken aback and to be honest, a bit angry at the chosen numbers for the varying sides. It’s as if you tried to make it for everyone, thus ruling parts out for everyone. Kind of defeating the purpose, for me at least. Why not make one for natural nails and one for use with gels and acrylics etc? As it stands, with your chosen levels of grits? I can’t use side one. Side two is iffy at best. So I’m left with sides three and four. Which should be closer together in number, grit-wise, for buffing and shining only. So I can use half of the product? Okay. Because, they come with replacement pads so I’ll just replace the ones I can’t use. (Nope.) Why would you make a product with replaceable parts but not sell the actual replacements? I’m so confused by this. Even if you only sold the replacements through your website, I’d be more than willing to order them. I’m sure that I’m not the only one, given this product’s high rating and great reviews.
Ursprünglich erschienen auf tweezerman.com